
Monday, May 10, 2010

MN TeaShredObamaCare_2010 Poverty Guidelines

Leave Your Party at the Door! NO PARTY AFFILIATIONS - just people
Toni No Bologny has invited you to the event 'Shred Obama Care Rally' on Minnesota Tea Party Patriots!
Check out "Shred Obama Care Rally" on Minnesota Tea Party Patriots

Toni No Bologny Time: May 12, 2010 from 11:45am to 12:45pm
Location: Rotunda - Minnesota State Capitol
Organized By: CCHC

Event Description:
** Time Change **
(shorter and over the lunch hour)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (program begins at 11:45)

Invited: Special Speakers!

Rotunda - Minnesota State Capitol
(1st floor, 75 Dr. Rev. MLK Jr. Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155)

Please let us know you're coming!!!!

Your attendance is critical
We need you! MN legislators are planning to change Minnesota law to require compliance with ObamaCare! We must have a very powerful show of force for state legislators and the news media. There are only a few days left to make a difference. Let me know you're coming! (contact info below)

Stop ObamaCare in Minnesota
HF 2614, the MN omnibus health and human services bill, passed last night by the Minnesota House, has an entire section that will require Minnesota to comply with ObamaCare. The Senate is voting on their version today. State legislators are expected to be in floor session on Wednesday, May 12. We need you to be seen and heard by these legislators. The news media are also just a few steps away.

We need a big public display!
We need at least 100 people to show up to shred the bill. More would be better. The 200+ we had in the crowd at the rally we held at Betty McCollum's office would be great. Bring your signs and bring your children! And do tell us you'll be there so we can plan shredders and space accordingly!

Volunteers & Shredders Needed
We need at least 4 more personal-sized shredders and 8 more volunteers. Thanks to those who already signed up!

Special Speakers!
Two very popular individuals have been invited to speak to you right before we begin to shred the ObamaCare law. I'll let you know who they are as soon as they confirm.

Again, please tell us you'll join us to stop ObamaCare in Minnesota!

Email or call Jenna Minegar at CCHC to let us know you're coming!
Phone: 651-646-8935

Twila Brase, RN, PHN
Citizens' Council on Health Care

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